11 December 2011

Sunday #2

1. So, as promised I shall shamefully share some snaps (how about that for some alliteration!) from Friday night  where my house mates and I aged about 50 years or so. As you can see from the top photo, one birthday boy took the theme a tad too far and broke his collar bone a couple of days before the big event! Injuries aside, it was an incredibly fun night and everyone's costumes looked fabulous! The boys took to their dresses and skirts like ducks to water, happily swishing and swaying at any given opportunity. After a hilarious game of articulate and a few beverages we headed up to to the club and most certainly painted the town red. For some of us, the excitement was all too much and sadly the night called for an early end. I for one, may or may not have fallen asleep in a cosy corner of the club... (Apologies for the spotty top photo, dirty camera lens tut tut). 

2. It is officially 2 weeks today until Christmas and I have done zero Christmas shopping, uh oh. We are having a house Christmas dinner on Tuesday and exchanging our Secret Santa gifts so that is top of my list of things to do tomorrow, post exam of course (wish me luck). I pretty much know what I want to get people I just haven't had the time spare to look for them so it's not worrying me too much. People seem to gasp in horror when I tell them I haven't yet started, but 2 weeks is plenty of time people! I always manage it and my gifts are always fabulous, OTT is my middle name. 

3. Speaking of exams, there are just 3 of them plus an extra seminar that stand between me and the Christmas holidays and I canny bloomin' wait! I will be over the moon to be able to go home and see some familiar faces and spend more than just a snatched afternoon with some pretty amazing folks. 


  1. hehe, looks like you all had a great time!! :)

    love your outfit! hehe :D


  2. Too funny! Love the outfits x
