27 November 2011

Who You Are

A completely different genre of music to post about for this week's What I'm Listening To. Having just watched X-Factor like millions of others across the UK enjoying their Sunday night guilty pleasure, who should take to the stage but my not-so-favourite artist, Jessie J. A bit too poppy for my liking, I have never really considered myself part of the Jessie J fan club. Compare her to the previous music posts I have shared with you on my blog and the difference is obvious, and I fear that I am becoming a little too closed ear and snobby for my own liking. There will be many a friend reading this post, my boyfriend included, thinking 'what the hell are you doing posting Jessie J on your blog?' And this is what I will reply:

I don't think I will ever be able to call myself a Jessie J fan but I have a lot of admiration for this woman. She is one of few who can be classified as a 'genuine artist,' and that's rare these days especially in the mainstream world of music. Does she write her own songs? Yes. Does she sing live? Yes. Can she actually sing (and in tune)? Er, JUST A BIT. Jessie J has got some of the best pipes going; that girl can hit notes and makes it look so easy. No, I do not think her songs are amazing, but she hits her target audience well so it is no surprise that people love her. And vocally, she is incredible, there are no two ways about it. There is no need to question how she got to where she is and she thoroughly deserves it; even the most arrogant of music fans must eat their humble pie at some point.  I have listened to her latest single Who You Are several times tonight purely to admire her vocal ability. Credit where credit is due, right?



  1. i completely agree with you about genuine artists being a rareity these days, it seems all the radio churns out is one cheesy pop hit after the other. loved her performance tonight, such a talent. lovely blog by the way - following! :)

    ♥mollie from musicandmollie

  2. these performance was absolutely incredible, regardless of my picky music taste. jessie j is such an inspiration and so genuine, brilliantttt!

  3. I love Jessie J - Hated her at the beginning but as you said, she has a belting voice!!

    love your header btw :D

    http://fridayisforever.blogspot.com/ xx

  4. Love the new layout!
    & I can't help but agree Jessie j sounded great last night (better than anything else you usually hear on x-factor!).

    Btw I am now officially a follower; I thought it was about time considering I’m always reading your blog!

    And thank you for your help on my shoes, i feel a lot better about them with the dress now!

  5. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blog is so lovely, and the layout is so cute! I'm following (:

